I have put off writing this post for probably a year because every time we come back from another amazing trip, I think that there is another one coming up so I should wait. While I have been waiting we have been having a fabulous time on many continents at many venues. For instance, in the last seven months we have taken our kids skiing in Switzerland then left them there to go to Prague, Budapest, and Presov, Slovakia where I was born. The mayor of Presov wanted to meet us and then asked Rob what to do with their local economy! A month later we went to the Cala di Volpe resort in Sardinia as the guests of the University of Sassari's Olbia campus. They named their Aula Magna after Rob in a lovely ceremony where Rob deftly handled the provocative Italian press. Then we went to Venice to stay at the Danieli with it's incredible view of the Grand Canal (thanks to Giampierro and Domenico). Rob took a trip to London in August and then in late Auguest we went to Copenhagen, Zurich, and back to Annecy. In nearby Chambery, Rob was given an honorary doctorate (honoris causis) at the University of Savoie at a lovely ceremony full of red robes and white fur shoulder stoles followed by foie gras and champagne. The US Embassy had a representative there too saying that the French didn't often honor Americans! Because we were in Annecy for the phone call and we own an apartment there, the French do claim us a touch.
After the summer in La Jolla we are back in New York. The next trip is November to Taiwan, Japan, and China. Next year we already have lined up Spain, Hong Kong, Paris, and I can't remember the rest!
Is this great or what! I'll post pictures as soon as I get them organized.
Great news!
Congrats, Rob!
Posted by: Kenneth R. French | April 12, 2006 at 05:16 PM